

Stay Healthy During The Holidays

Most everyone here celebrates holidays, especially Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, but unfortunately, most people do not know how to Stay Healthy During The Holidays! Typically you diet all year and of course exercise as often as you can, but when the holidays roll around, you end up eating a lot of what you shouldn’t and drinking a lot of what you shouldn’t, which basically ruins the previous 9 months of diet and exercise. And then you start all over again from January! Now you might be thinking that Halloween candy isn’t that bad when you only eat it once a year, but that’s not how it works, because doing anything once a year does not make it safe, in fact, doing something once a year that’s particularly unhealthy, is enough to ruin your health progress for the whole year! What Do Most People Think? In the case of Halloween candy, there are hundreds of artificial chemicals, ranging from artificial dyes that disrupt your endocrine system, to the slew of artificial flavors and artificial sweeteners that damage your entire gut, damage your kidneys, damage your pancreas and much more. The masses have the very odd belief that poisoning yourself once or twice or rarely, each year, is somehow not enough to damage your health long-term, and I know where this ingrained belief came from –big pharma, the entire medical industry and its’ lifelong propaganda! How else can you get billions of people to believe they can swallow petroleum pills daily and not think even twice about it ever damaging their health? Well, I am here to tell you that it takes just one artificial molecule to begin damaging every organ in your body. And if you buy any of the very unhealthy turkeys that are full of vaccines, steroids and antibiotics or any of the artificial and refined desserts or basically anything from the supermarket or health food store, you can expect your health to take a serious hit this holiday season! And all you ever hear out there from so-called health influencers is the same boring “limit this or count that” propaganda on repeat, which is just ridiculous! Who cares how many calories, how much sugar or how to limit the poison in whatever you eat or drink? You might as well count how many calories there are in a Twinkie! And don’t get me started on what’s in your typical Christmas dinner, because I can almost write a book about all the toxic ingredients in Christmas meals and how there’s enough toxic ingredients to destroy your heart, liver and kidneys. Instead, let me tell you how you can prepare your health right now and Stay Healthy During The Holidays.   The holidays are already expensive and stressful enough, without worrying about your health and your family’s health, so it’s vitally important you stock up on MealBetix right now for everyone you care about and make sure to tell them that MealBetix is here to protect your health during the holidays. What’s The MealBetix Lifestyle Meal Plan During The Holiday Season? Definitely make sure you are replacing 2 meals every day all the way up to the first day you begin eating your first holiday meal or drinking your first holiday drink, then from that day, since you’ll be eating and drinking with your family every day, if you can’t replace meals with MealBetix or Berry Delicious like you usually do, when you’re thirsty, just drink MealBetix or Berry Delicious. This way, you won’t actually be going out of your way to mix MealBetix or Berry Delicious, you’ll just be drinking it when you’re thirsty throughout the day. You can do this! Your health will thank you during the holidays with better health, a healthier gut and a stronger immune system. Dr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late.

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3 facts about fast-food and big pharma

3 Facts About Fast-Food And Big Pharma

Most never connect the dots, but there are 3 Facts About Fast-Food And Big Pharma most never think about. How do these fast-food chains get paid for their diligent effort to keep the masses sick? Big Pharma kickbacks of course, and lots of them. Who would have ever thought that the ones that make us sick would ever work with those that also make us sick? This isn’t a coincidence, it’s just good business, for them. 3 Facts About Fast-Food And Big Pharma Fact 1: Big Pharma does not only collude with fast-food chains, but also colludes with all the junk food makers out there and all the cosmetic makers out there, too. Anything that makes you sick, Big Pharma is behind it. No industry on earth makes anyone sick just for the fun of it, rather only for the kickbacks. When any product has any artificial ingredient in it, which is what fast-food is full of, that means that brand either works for Big Pharma OR is owned by a Big Pharma subsidiary. And when you earn trillions of dollars every year from ‘treating’ the sick with cheap petroleum pills, you can control the world and influence anyone with authority! And what makes this entire industry even more diabolical is the fact that all the courts also receive kickbacks from Big Pharma. Fact 2: Lawsuits against Big Pharma, Hospitals or MDs, always result in either a dismissal or a fine so low that it would be like fining you $100 for killing thousands of people. When the kickbacks are flowing, there’s absolutely no incentive to ever make anyone healthy! Even the USA itself is a corporation after all, and corporations only exist to make money as you know. And besides money, there’s only one other thing corporations are loyal to –their corporate partners! They work tirelessly to protect each other and limit their liability as much as they can. They wish they can just poison you and your whole family every day and never be held accountable for it. Over half of the entire population of America eats fast-food every day and at least 98% of the entire population of America now eats fast-food or junk food every day. According to Fact 3: The saddest part about this statistic is that most Americans don’t think they are eating anything unhealthy at all, in fact they assume something that claims to be “all natural”, “low calorie”, “fat-free”, “sugar-free” or even “keto-friendly“, means it’s healthy! Big Pharma and Big Food colluded to create industry catch-phrases that only manipulate and trick the masses. You see, nothing they will ever put on a label will ever mean anything when it is not first 100% Clean, otherwise it’s all just a LIE. Ask yourself, if the fake food is full of artificial chemicals, who cares how many calories or how much sugar is in it? But they don’t want you asking these kinds of questions, so they make sure all you see and hear are their catch-phrases like “all natural” or “plant-based“, but all they ever sell you are their GMO plants, artificial preservatives, additives, and then they process it all until it can last forever on the shelf without spoiling –this is what they want you to believe is “healthy”! Anyone who regularly consumes fast-food, junk food or even just processed food, can expect to develop liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, food allergies, and most any other chronic illness we see today. What they call “healthy” out there is all just more fast-food and more junk food masquerading as real food. Have you had enough yet? Now is the time to get your health back! Dr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late.

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Titanium Dioxide Side-Effects

CBS Inside Your Food

CBS Inside Your Food reveals the poison they continually add to your food! They absolutely do not care what their toxic ingredients do to you and your family, just as long as they can extend the shelf-life and earn more profit. CBS Inside Your Food does its best to blow the whistle on food corruption here, but the few highly toxic ingredients it reveals is literally just scratching the surface! There are thousands more toxic ingredients they add to everything nowadays. Now, I realize you like to eat what you like to eat and probably will never stop eating what you like to eat, but there is at least a way to compromise and start improving your health every day, even if you eat junk food sometimes…it’s called The MealBetix Lifestyle! So, without further ado, here’s the video clip from CBS Inside Your Food. Ready to fight back? Dr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late.

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How To Fall Asleep Easier

Morning Headache Every Day

Just recently the phenomenon called “morning headache” has finally started to receive the attention it deserves, because most everyone alive today has experienced morning headache and even morning headache every day! But knowing the problem is not enough to actually stop it, otherwise there would be no illness. The cause has always and will always be the most important part of any treatment, because without the cause, you end up treating the symptom forever, which you can be certain Big Pharma loves. Treating the symptom and not the cause is like constantly swallowing pain meds for a broken arm without ever repairing the broken arm –dangerous, right? Well, this is what it’s like living with headaches every day, constantly swallowing pain meds without ever fixing the cause of the headaches, or fixing the cause of any pain for that matter. And if you are curious what an injured gut looks like, here is an image for you. Can you see how swollen the colon has become? The white areas are serious clogs, probably obstructions, which immediately damages your entire gut, causing all sorts of symptoms, especially headaches. And let’s not forget over 70% of your immune system comes from the health of your gut, so a damaged or injured gut means a damaged or injured immune system, too. Think about it…if you feel pain, wouldn’t you think you have been injured? If you scraped your elbow and felt pain, you could see the cause of the pain and then you would make sure to heal the injury as soon as you can, until the pain was gone. But what if you cannot see the injury, because the injury is inside of you, would you suddenly think it’s now somehow genetic or incurable like they tell you? That assumption should be ridiculous, yet every chronically ill person on earth in fact does think this! And we both know why they think this.. They are all living with an internal injury they and no one else can ever repair with drugs, so of course as their gut injury increases, because all they have ever done is throw pain pills at it, of course their pain continues and of course it worsens over time –how could it not? Most immediate injuries can heal on their own, just by leaving it alone and keeping it clean, but what about an injury you cannot see and that is at a cellular level, in other words, cellular injuries…how do you repair cellular damage? Obviously not the same way you would repair an external injury, that’s for sure, but you still very much have to repair your injury, no matter where it is. So, what causes morning headaches every day and how can you stop morning headaches? First, you must understand the cause of morning headaches…are you ready? The cause is and always will be, a toxic gut, which in turns damages your gut. How did you develop a toxic gut? It’s actually very easy…just eat junk food, fast food, smoke, drink alcohol often, drink soda often, eat candy, eat or drink dairy, eat wheat, grains, pasta and bread often, eat soy, eat corn, swallow lots of pills, and consume at least most of these throughout your whole life, then you will have a toxic gut! And when you have a toxic gut, your blood becomes dirty! And when your blood become dirty, you better believe you will feel the headaches often, especially when you go hungry while sleeping. This is why when you wake up you have a headache. Now you know. And let’s not forget the thousands of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and GMOs that are in everything sold at the supermarket, which most everyone here eats and drinks every single day, too. You think these poisons will add to your toxic gut? You better believe it! Yes, your gut is more fragile than most people realize, so after eating junk food, fast-food, processed food and of course fake food, every single day, their immune system starts to crack and that’s when the pandemonium begins. Before I explain how to clean out a lifetime of toxic waste from your gut and repair the damage left behind, let me briefly list some symptoms of a toxic gut, so you know a morning headache every day is just one symptom. There is also.. indigestion insomnia heartburn headaches nausea IBS Crohn’s diverticulitis constipation sinusitis constant mucus buildup lactose intolerance bloating hemorrhoids colon cancer and so on… And can you guess what happens when you never clean out a lifetime of toxic waste from your gut and repair the damage left behind? The headaches continue and of course your injury continues and only worsens as time goes on, until you become a slave to your gut, avoiding things that could even slightly aggravate your gut –yes, an extremely inconvenient way to live! But this is how billions of men, women and children here and all over the world, go through life. How sad that no one ever tells them the truth about the cause of their headaches and pain and instead just prescribe them more pills for the rest of their life. They never realize their gut has been injured and therefore must actively repair it, before it’s too late, but instead they are diagnosed with some common gut disease and sent home with drugs for the rest of their life. In other words, everyone with gut issues are prescribed drugs that injure their gut more and then are still told to take gut damaging drugs for the rest of their life…it’s insanity! That’s like treating a broken arm with fire…yikes! If this isn’t the definition of insanity, then I don’t know what is! But this is the reality we live in these days. I call the age we live in right now, “the artificial age”..and I don’t mean Artificial Intelligence, either. What I mean is, typically from the moment of conception, the Mother is already eating and drinking pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and artificial ingredients,

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The MAHA Movement Is Embracing Glyphosate-Free Foods in the US

Toxic Accumulation: The build-up of harmful chemicals in our bodies over time

“Toxic Accumulation: The build-up of harmful chemicals in our bodies over time” is not just another headline, but the difference between life and death. Toxic accumulation is a serious problem that most people face today, and it can cause many harmful effects over time. Toxic chemicals are added to our food and water supplies, and they enter our bodies every day through consumption and skin contact. While it’s impossible to avoid all toxins, there are some steps you can take to make sure your body stays as healthy as possible throughout your lifetime, but first, what are these toxins and what exactly do they do to your body over time as they accumulate inside of you? Pesticides There are thousands of different pesticides, and they are constantly sprayed on farmland, crops, parks, backyards, everywhere there are pests. And each pesticide causes serious illness, especially in those with a weakened or underdeveloped immune system. Long term pesticide exposure has been linked to the development of Parkinson’s disease; asthma; depression and anxiety; attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); and cancer, including leukemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. And exposure includes consumption, too, of course. And every product on store shelves and especially all the produce sold at the supermarket and health food stores, have all been exposed either indirectly or directly to pesticides. It’s no wonder cases of cancer and Parkinson’s are consistently on the rise. Herbicides There are thousands of different herbicides and they are all constantly sprayed on farmland, crops, parks, backyards, everywhere there are weeds. And each herbicide or glyphosate causes serious illness, especially in those with a weakened or underdeveloped immune system. Examples of acute health effects include stinging eyes, rashes, blisters, blindness, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and death. Examples of known chronic effects are cancers, birth defects, reproductive harm, immunotoxicity, neurological and developmental toxicity, and disruption of the endocrine system. Fungicides Fungicides are pesticides that kill or prevent the growth of fungi and their spores. They can be used to control fungi that damage plants, including rusts, mildews and blights. They might also be used to control mold and mildew in other settings. Fungicides work in a variety of ways, but most of them damage fungal cell membranes or interfere with energy production within fungal cells. What are the effects of ingesting fungicides and as it accumulates over your lifetime? From serious skin and eye irritations to of course cancer, thyroid diseases and liver disease. GMOs GMOs have been around since the 20th century, but just in the last 20 years GMOs have infiltrated everything you eat, drink and inject. And there has never been any long-term studies on the effects on animals, humans or the environment, besides the ongoing guinea pig trials we are all living in today. Why did they create a GMO to begin with? For the simple fact that they can control your food! You see, during all of the 20th century, Big Pharma and Big Ag struggled to find ways to control the food supply, because then they can control our health, but until GMO technology was discovered, all they could do is rely on nature, and you cannot patent nature. So, eventually they realized that they could tweek the DNA in plants, thereby making them patentable –and GMOs were born. What have been the consequences of ingesting GMOs? Most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet, which include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. The documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease, and glyphosate is the ‘textbook example’ of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) were first introduced into the food supply in 1995. One of the primary genetically engineered (GE) traits is resistance to direct herbicide applications. As a result, there has been a huge increase in the amount of glyphosate applied to cotton, corn, canola, sugar beet, and soy crops grown in the U.S. corresponding to the rise in the percentage of these GE varieties planted. Since GMOs were introduced into the food supply the rate of chronic health conditions among children in the United States increased from 12.8% in 1994 to 26.6% in 2006, particularly for asthma, obesity, and behavior and learning problems. The rate of chronic disease in the entire U.S. population has been dramatically increasing with an estimated 25% of the U.S. population now suffering from multiple chronic diseases.   Drugs Drugs have become mainstream ‘treatments’ for just about anything and everything that ails the body these days, despite the fact that drugs are completely toxic and therefore ruin your health faster. But why do the masses rely on drugs for everything? Because they do not know any better. There is a serious health illiteracy in this country and Big Pharma is causing it. The days of knowing which plants heal the body, how to stop pain holistically and even how to repair damaged cells, has been suppressed for over 3 generations now, which is why the current generation is the sickest generation ever. The masses have lost the ability to take care of their own health, which has created untold pain, suffering and death. What exactly are drugs made from? Petroleum as the base, then artificial chemicals are added to create the desired effect, which is either numbing pain, weakening your immune system, or both. And regardless of what you are told the drug will do, drugs can only either numb your pain or weaken your immune system –that’s all drugs have ever been able to do. Is it any wonder why after swallowing drugs for so long, either the chronic illness remains or is worse?  Junk Food Junk Food is everywhere, almost on every street corner. You cannot travel anywhere without seeing junk food and fast food everywhere. But junk food is not only on street corners, but also lines the millions of store shelves, convenience stores, school cafeterias, and of course even hospital cafeterias. It’s easy to understand why so many

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Mercury Poisoning In Fish

Mercury Poisoning In Fish

It has long been known about the mercury poisoning in fish, but most decide it’s not that bad and eat fish often anyway. One possible reason for this disregard is that most still assume your body metabolises mercury and therefore you do not have to worry that much, especially in small amounts. Unfortunately, this assumption comes from decades of Big Food propaganda, so you keep buying fish as often as possible. Many diets these days will even promote eating more fish, disregarding the health risks to you and anyone else. The truth is, mercury remains inside every cell of your body, because it is a forever chemical, like teflon. Mercury Poisoning Signs skin conditions (rashes and dermatitis) breathing problems mood changes problems with memory mental health issues reduction in muscle strength tremors headaches difficulty sleeping impaired sensations muscle weakness and twitching emotional changes (mood swings, irritability, nervousness) kidney damage breathing difficulties death And most people never connect these symptoms to mercury poisoning, especially when most everyone else around us also lives with these symptoms every day. These days, who doesn’t right now have one of these symptoms? They assume it’s just a part of life and then swallow a few pills so they can get on with their day. But while this is happening, mercury is gradually accumulating in every cell of your body –destroying your cells from the inside out, until your cells begin to die faster, which ages you faster, too. And while mercury is aging your cells and shortening your lifespan, along the way you develop all sorts of symptoms and other illnesses, which often becomes chronic over time. Now, mercury is certainly not the only forever chemical stuck inside your cells, but mercury is definitely one of the most toxic chemicals for sure. We have come a long way from injecting pure mercury directly into injured or sick soldiers on the battlefield –yes, that’s what they did– but now isn’t much better. Mercury has spread across the globe, contaminating waterways, streams, lakes, ponds, oceans, all the tap water and anywhere else there is a body of water. In other words, all fish everywhere contain mercury inside them and anyone who eats them will receive that mercury, too. And even the most sophisticated water filters cannot remove all the mercury, either. So, what can you do to prevent the most dangerous effects from mercury poisoning? First, make sure you limit your fish intake and while you’re at it, remove pesticides, herbicides and fungicides for the matter, because all these contain mercury, too. Second, be sure you consistently replace 2 meals each day with MealBetix, otherwise you will continue to accumulate mercury and never clean out any of the mercury that you have already accumulated throughout your life. Gradually you will notice your health restoring and your whole body rejuvenating. The benefits you will begin to notice quickly and the longer you continue The MealBetix Lifestyle, the more mercury is pushed out of every cell in your body and the stronger you will become. But since mercury is in most everything these days, besides fish, you can easily keep re-contaminating your body with mercury, so you will need to continue The MealBetix Lifestyle. This will not only prevent so much illness in your life, but also truly extend your life! Dr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late.

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disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration and does not treat, prevent or cure any disease. Darren Wayne is not a medical doctor and everything he says is his own opinion.

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