Fluoride Side Effects

Fluoride Side Effects

Fluoride was first added to water in the United States in 1945 when Grand Rapids, Michigan became the first city to fluoridate its water supply, and without anyone ever researching the fluoride side effects, or perhaps they did, but didn’t care.

Fast forward almost a century and finally just recently courts have opened their eyes long enough to see the generational damage fluoride has caused.

Before this article continues, it’s important to clarify first that the ‘fluoride’ everyone talks about being in tap water, is actually not real fluoride at all, but rather the artificial version of fluoride, which is what makes it poison.

I guess the USA thought it was a good idea to copy Hitler when he purposely added artificial fluoride to the drinking water to pacify the Jews.

Real fluoride is found in trace amounts all over the world, in every clean body of water, including the ocean, and even in the last little bit of food left that’s grown in truly clean soil with truly clean water.

fluoride side effects
fluoride side effects

Once polluters started poisoning all the water, the trace amounts of fluoride that could help your health, all but disappeared, so they thought in their little scheming minds to tell the public they’re adding ‘fluoride’ to the drinking water to improve their dental health, and of course everyone went along with it!

But what they didn’t tell anyone is that they’re not adding real fluoride, they’re adding the artificial fluoride that Hitler and his evil scientists created.

fluoride side effects
fluoride side effects

As if coming home after a world war wasn’t traumatizing enough, the USA decided to start poisoning their citizens right away.

We have been poisoned all of our lives, everything from our air, water and food, to our so-called ‘medicine’ –they want to make sure we are all as sick as much as possible, and for as long as possible!

To them, you and I represent chattel, not a living being –them poisoning us at every turn is proof of this.

Fluoride Side Effects

  • Tooth Decay
  • Skeletal Weakness
  • Neurological Problems
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Acne
  • Seizures
  • Lower IQ
  • Abnormal levels of calcium and potassium in the blood
  • Irregular or slow heartbeat
  • Abdominal pain
  • Headaches
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Tumors/Cysts
  • and many more..

When you have been poisoned your whole life, you will absolutely develop illness, and when you ever try to  ‘treat’ that illness with artificial drugs, which are more poison, this is what causes premature death. It’s not complicated.

Poison = Illness = Death

Even a child can understand this. Yet you can graduate from 1,000 Universities and colleges, and never be told this. Instead you are taught it’s all stress-related or it’s your genes, because Rockefeller highjacked US Education over a century ago to favor his petroleum-based drugs.

How To Detox Fluoride

First, begin removing anything and everything that you know and suspect has ‘fluoride’ in it, including ‘fluoride’ toothpaste. Next, avoid drinks that include “water” in the ingredients, because they used ‘fluoridated’ water. Next, get a faucet water filter that filters out ‘fluoride’. Finally, start detoxing a lifetime of ‘fluoride’ buildup in your whole body before it’s too late, by starting The MealBetix Lifestyle.

When you replace 2 meals every day with MealBetix, gradually the ‘fluoride’ will finally begin leaving your body, and then you will begin to experience more health than you ever thought possible.

And as long as you continue The MealBetix Lifestyle, the less ‘fluoride’ will remain in your body.

If you have not started yet, here is the link to begin the most exciting chapter for your health.


mealbetixDr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late.

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disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration and does not treat, prevent or cure any disease. Darren Wayne is not a medical doctor and everything he says is his own opinion.

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