Top 15 Superfoods

Top 15 Superfoods

If you have a health goal, any health goal, then the Top 15 Superfoods are all you need to eat every day to achieve any health goal you will ever have, as long as you can find them all 100% pure of course, which you are also about to know.

They are all also gluten-free and low in glycemic index, which helps control blood sugar levels, not to mention all are naturally high in fiber and nutrient-dense.

Clean Hemp Seed Protein

Only 100% Clean Hemp Seeds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are a healthy source of energy and naturally contains very high quality skin beautifying oils.

And has one of the highest sources of protein, a whopping 50% pure protein, which is more protein than a steak! This high-quality source of protein also contains sulfur-containing amino acids, which are necessary for enzyme formation and liver detoxification, improving all sorts of liver functions.

Hemp Seeds also contain methionine, which increases physical strength and agility, improves complexion and hair luster, and promotes healing.

Its nutrients make it an excellent supplement for health and a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in brain function, anti-inflammation, and heart health.

Arginine, an amino acid found in hemp seeds, is known to lower the risk of coronary heart disease. Hemp seed protein is rich in all essential fatty acids.

In addition to being a great source of protein, hemp seed also contains a lot of fiber. This helps move materials through your digestive tract, thereby reducing the likelihood of digestive issues. 

Hemp seeds even contain more fiber than your average seed, which is great for people who suffer from digestive problems. The same goes for omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are not only essential for building muscle, but also strengthening the heart muscle.

Unfortunately, all the hemp seed protein products sold out there are either full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, which destroys all the nutritive power hemp seeds are famous for, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Hemp Seed protein is in MealBetix.

Clean Barley Grass

If you’re interested in natural health, you’ve probably heard about Barley Grass. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including the essential B-complex. It also contains a surprising amount of chlorophyll, an alkaline mineral that converts sunlight into energy in plants.

By consuming Barley Grass, you can increase the amount of oxygen in your blood and detoxify your body of harmful toxins. This is due to its ability to bind to toxic chemicals and flush heavy metals from your body.

Also, Barley Grass is gluten-free!

The health benefits of Barley Grass are many, including improved digestion, healthier blood sugar, and heart health, but you can only receive all these amazing benefits from 100% Clean Barley Grass.

Unfortunately, all the Barley Grass products sold out there are either full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, which destroys all the nutritive power Barley Grass is famous for, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Barley Grass is in MealBetix.

Clean Wheatgrass

When it comes to wheatgrass, you can expect a very high concentration of vitamins and minerals. Also, only clean wheatgrass can provide the highest nutrient-dense wheatgrass.

And of course should never contain any preservatives, additives or sweeteners, because these will destroy the nutritive power of wheatgrass.

Moreover, Wheatgrass is absolutely gluten-free!

It is also an effective gut detoxifier that reduces digestive discomfort, has antibacterial properties and prevents all sorts of digestive problems. Its phytonutrient content can increase your metabolism and help you shed unhealthy fat, too.

It even contains fewer calories and no fat, which can help you wean yourself off processed and unhealthy foods. Its enzymes are also beneficial in digestion and will help you feel more energetic and better overall.

Besides its detoxification benefits, wheatgrass helps boost red blood cells. The presence of chlorophyll in wheatgrass improves blood circulation, thus reducing fatigue symptoms.

It is also a natural regenerative agent for the adrenal glands, which are crucial for the prevention and treatment of chronic fatigue and depression. Moreover, wheatgrass helps you reduce body odor.

Lastly, women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles can benefit from its incredible ability to balance hormones.

Unfortunately, all the wheatgrass products sold out there are either full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, which destroys all the nutritive power wheatgrass is famous for, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Wheatgrass is in MealBetix.

Clean Spirulina

Clean Spirulina is a rich source of protein and chlorophyll, trace minerals, and antioxidants. It is produced in an environmentally pristine environment and dried at low temperatures to maintain its nutritional value.

It should be stored in a cool, dark place. Here are some reasons why it is one of the Top 15 superfoods.

Spirulina helps maintain proper levels of serotonin in the brain, which supports mental well-being. Studies have shown that just a teaspoon of spirulina daily can reduce high blood pressure.

This beneficial effect of spirulina may be due to its ability to increase nitric oxide, a signaling molecule that relaxes blood vessels, along with so many potent antioxidants.

Spirulina contains the full spectrum of nutrients, including proteins and B-vitamins. And despite all the anti-spirulina propaganda, the real Spirulina grows in nature, can be consumed directly as a complete food. It is also very high in the antioxidant thiocyanate, which is essential for proper digestion of protein and fat.

Furthermore, truly clean and raw Spirulina is one of the most powerfully healing foods grown in nature.

Unfortunately, all the spirulina products sold out there are either full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, which destroys all the nutritive power Spirulina is famous for, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Spirulina is in MealBetix.

Clean Spinach

Spinach has a long growing season, sprouts early in the spring, and can survive frosts. Because of this, it is ideal for container gardening in the Pacific Northwest.

Spinach can be eaten raw, steamed or cooked, and its leaves can be added to soups, stews, and smoothies.

It is also highly recommended as part of your daily diet. However, you should remember to always buy clean spinach in order to get the most nutrients.

Spinach contains a surprisingly high amount of vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, and of course iron. It supports the immune system, and has potential anticancer benefits. Its high-quality proteins and carbohydrates provide the majority of the energy you need to maintain a healthy body and especially good for your skin, hair, and nails.

Spinach is also one of the richest sources of plant-based iron and calcium.

One study found that conventional spinach contained up to 97% of pesticide residues, which is one of the highest around, so it is vitally important you always only ever eat 100% Clean spinach.

Clean Spinach contains more antioxidants, which can significantly reduce cancer risks.

Unfortunately, all the spinach products sold out there are either full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, which destroys all the nutritive power spinach is famous for, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Spinach is in MealBetix.

Clean Broccoli

Broccoli can help everyone improve their health, even by itself, since it’s rich in all vitamins and minerals that keep your body healthy and strong. Broccoli also has powerful effects on your mood and energy levels!

The human immune system requires a variety of nutrients to operate properly, and broccoli contains sulforaphane, which increases the expression of antioxidant genes.This means a stronger, more robust immune system the longer you eat 100% Clean broccoli.

And as you know antioxidants slow the aging process, and it has multiple other health benefits. Broccoli is also high in potassium, fiber, and antioxidants, and can help you feel fuller longer.

It also builds bone tissues and body tissues, making it an excellent food for those on a diet.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, or boost your immune system, broccoli should be at the top of your list.

Broccoli is also an excellent source of vitamin C, magnesium, folate and all of which are powerful antioxidants, which protect the body against cancer. Did you know that broccoli has as much vitamin C as an orange when you consume it every day?

Broccoli can also help prevent cardiovascular disease. So, if you’re wondering how to receive all these powerful benefits from broccoli, then you must consume it raw and 100% Clean.

Unfortunately, the broccoli sold out there is either raised with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and GMOs and/or is radiated to prolong shelf-life, like all the typical conventional broccoli sold out there, but thankfully the last truly raw and 100% Clean broccoli is in MealBetix.

Clean Alfalfa Leaf

Alfalfa leaf powder is commonly used to make smoothies and vegetable juices.

Helps with sluggish appetite and digestive disorders, is nutritionally dense and very high in protein, which makes it great at preventing all forms of malnutrition caused by various disorders, including poor absorption of nutrition itself, which is one of the most common undiagnosed symptoms so many people live with every day of their life.

Alfalfa Leaf is a type of grass that has a deep root system and is full of nutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamins, amino acids, and trace minerals.

It also contains calcium, iron, and phosphorus. In addition, it is rich in vitamin D. It is one of the top 15 superfoods for a reason, because it can boost your energy level and even detoxes your whole blood.

Unfortunately, the Alfalfa Leaf products sold out there are either sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, like all the typical conventional alfalfa leaf products out there, so thankfully the last truly raw and 100% Clean Alfalfa Leaf is in MealBetix.

Clean Moringa

Only Clean Moringa is one of the world’s most nutritious foods. It’s high in protein and contains a compound called tryptophan, which supports neurotransmitter functions and the production of serotonin.

Serotonin is associated with mood, memory, and how the body reacts to stress. Clean Moringa has been shown to increase these important neurotransmitters.

Moringa is said to provide 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, 9 times more protein than dairy, 15 times more potassium than bananas, and 25 times more iron than spinach.

Also, moringa is high in protein – up to 40% of the leaves contain pure protein, almost as much as hemp seeds!

And the high protein content can help you burn more unhealthy fat while reducing your overall cholesterol levels. Other nutrients found in moringa include all the B vitamins, iron, manganese, and phosphorus.

It also has high amounts of phytonutrients, which can help reduce your risk for coronary ailments and certain forms of cancer.

This incredible superfood has been used for thousands of years to improve digestion and decrease inflammatory diseases, too.

And when combined with ginger, you will experience a powerful soothing effect on your entire digestive tract.

Moringa also contains chlorogenic acid, which increases blood antioxidant levels and has been proven to help lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

And, it boosts your immune system. The list of benefits of clean moringa is long and enticing!

Unfortunately, the Moringa products you find sold out there are either raised with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or is radiated to extend shelf-life, like all the typical conventional Moringa products out there, which have already destroyed most of the nutritive power, if not all. Thankfully though, the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Moringa is in MealBetix.

Clean Coconut Milk

The health benefits of coconut milk are well known. It contains a unique combination of medium-chain fatty acids that are metabolized more efficiently by the liver, providing an energy boost without increasing fat.

Coconut milk also contains lauric acid, which reduces inflammation and has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Other benefits of coconut milk include its abundance of minerals, which improve circulation and reduce muscle tension and stress.

There are many benefits of Clean Coconut Milk.

Other benefits of clean coconut milk includes lactose-free and high-fat content. It is a popular milk substitute for those with lactose intolerance and for vegans, because there is no dairy.

The high fat content makes it a healthy choice for those with dairy allergies. This plant-based milk is also great for your skin.

Unfortunately, all the Coconut Milk sold out there is full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs, gums, and then is radiated to prolong shelf-life ad is cooked, alls of which destroys most if not all of the nutritive power, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Coconut Milk is in MealBetix.

Clean Beet Root

One of the many health benefits of Clean Beet Root is its fiber content, which helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Research has also found that people who consume beetroot regularly enjoy better health outcomes, enhanced performance, and a longer lifespan.

Beets are even considered an aphrodisiac, and the mineral boron in beetroot is highly beneficial for the human body.

It increases the production of sexual hormones and may even lead to an increase in libido for those with a weakened libido.

Beets have also been found to increase fertility and improve sperm motility.

In addition to their incredible health benefits, they boost your immune system and fight fever and also fatigue.

The nutrient density of beet root makes them one of the top superfoods. These colorful roots are also packed with vitamins and minerals, and are a rich source of dietary nitrates, which are essential for a healthy metabolism.

Nitric oxide (N-O) can improve overall health, but the amount of N-O in beets varies. In order to benefit from N-O, you must eat it every day to feel the benefits and the beet root must be at least raw and pesticide-free

Unfortunately, the Beet Root you find sold out there are either raised with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or is radiated to extend shelf-life, just like everything else these days, which destroys the nutritive power, so thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Beet Root is in MealBetix.

Clean Ginger Root

The #1 anti-inflammatory superfood is Clean Ginger Root and therefore you should include this powerful superfood in your meals every day.

Ginger is closely related to Turmeric so of course it has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger is also excellent for improving digestion, easing nausea, and aiding digestion.

In addition, Clean Ginger Root is suitable for vegans, vegetarians, and those on a gluten-free diet.

Research has shown that the compounds found in ginger can help protect the brain from age-related damage, including cognitive decline and dementia.

Other studies also show ginger has promising results in improving brain function in middle-aged women. And raw ginger especially is even more effective against oral bacteria that contribute to periodontal disease and periodontitis.

And only raw ginger has also shown to be effective against the respiratory syncytial virus and other harmful bacteria, making it a great superfood for those who suffer from colds, flus and of course viral infections.

Unfortunately, the Ginger Root you find sold out there are either raised with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or is radiated to extend shelf-life, just like everything else out there, which destroys most if not all of the nutritive power, so thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Ginger Root is in MealBetix.

Clean Tomato

There are many reasons to consume tomatoes daily. First, only truly clean tomatoes are grown without nitrogenous fertilizers, which activates the plant’s defense mechanisms. Here are a few of the most common reasons why you should consider eating only Clean tomatoes.

This nutrient-rich fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, vitamin E, and other vitamins and minerals. Its phytonutrient profile is particularly rich in lycopene and lutein, which supports your immune system and maintains healthy skin and tissue lining. It’s also a great source of potassium.

For the tomatoes sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or GMO tomatoes, it ranks high on the EWG’s list of having high levels of toxic pesticides, so you should only ever eat 100% Clean tomatoes, which is already in MealBetix.

In addition to lycopene, tomatoes are also a great source of Vitamin C, which is essential for healthy skin, gums, and bones.

Unfortunately, all the tomatoes sold out there are either full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, which destroys all the nutritive power tomato is famous for, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Tomato is in MealBetix.

Clean Dulse

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of Dulse, but you may not have ever seen it before.

Dulse contains significant levels of calcium and potassium, which help your bones strengthen and become more resilient, in other words, makes your bones denser!

Benefits of dulse also include helping to lower your blood pressure, improve your eyesight, and improve the health of your thyroid gland.

Unfortunately, all the dulse products sold out there are either full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, which destroys all the nutritive power dulse is famous for, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Dulse is in MealBetix.

Clean Cinnamon

Whether in the form of pure bark, essential oil, or ground spice, clean cinnamon has many health benefits. Real cinnamon contains a range of beneficial antioxidants, antimicrobials, and phenolic compounds.

Some studies have shown that cinnamon may even have anticancer properties.

How To prevent Diabetes

In addition to its ability to reduce sugar, cinnamon can reduce calories, fight candida, and help prevent diabetes. It is also known to fight inflammation and has antibacterial properties.

Moreover, cinnamon has many health benefits, and it ranks among the top superfoods and herbs in antioxidant levels. In addition, it has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

Cinnamon also can help prevent the symptoms of diabetes by balancing blood sugar and lowering A1C, while fighting infections, and even fight bad breath!

Unfortunately, all the cinnamon products sold out there are either full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, which destroys all the nutritive power cinnamon is famous for, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Cinnamon is in MealBetix.

Clean Stevia Leaf Powder

If you’ve ever wondered if Stevia Leaf is a superfood, you’re in the right place. The stevia leaf is a naturally occurring sweetener that is around 200 times sweeter than sugar, which means you do not need much compared with sugar.

Big Food saw an opportunity to profit from the incredible natural sweetness of stevia, so the Big Food corporations started chemically extracting the natural sugars from Stevia, turning it into that unhealthy, refined, white powder you see sold everywhere, but they still call it “Stevia”, which has now given it a bad name, so it’s not stevia’s fault for its bad reputation.

The stevia plant is the smallest member of the sunflower family.

What are the benefits? Real raw stevia leaf naturally contains more than 300 times the amount of steviol glycosides than most natural sugars out there, which again means you only need a tiny amount of the raw, clean stevia leaf to sweeten anything.

Stevia leaves contain compounds that act as natural diureticswhich promotes healthy urination, facilitating the excretion of sodium and excess water. Additionally, they relax blood vessels, reducing cardiovascular stress.

Whole Stevia Leaf can also help prevent heart attacks and strokes. And is also full of phytochemicals and flavonoids that prevent inflammation, regulate heartbeat, and help the body maintain a healthy metabolic rate.

Unfortunately, all the ‘stevia’ found in various products sold out there are all either full of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and/or radiated to prolong shelf-life, which destroys all the nutritive power Stevia is famous for, but thankfully the last truly pure, raw and 100% Clean Stevia leaf tastes deliciously rich in MealBetix.

Are you ready to experience the last truly 100% Clean, Low Carb, High Protein, Gluten-Free and Very Nutrient-Dense Meal on earth?

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The Food GuruDr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late

5 thoughts on “Top 15 Superfoods”

  1. Pingback: Potassium Sorbate In Food - The Hidden Poison In Most Everything

  2. Still loving MealBetix. Working on my belief system in regard to my eating habits and all things related. MealBetix really does make everything easier for me. Thank you for growing this incredible food.

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