High Raw Vegan

Vegan Meal Prepping Ideas

There are millions of Vegans here, but you would be surprised how unhealthy the vegan meals are today, so here you will discover really good Vegan Meal Prepping Ideas.

But first, why are most of the vegan meals out there so unhealthy?

They are processed until there is no nutrition left! This creates a nutritionally dead food, which will cause malnutrition the longer you eat it.

Vegan Meal Prepping IdeasRestaurants, supermarkets and of course fast-food joints sell completely processed vegan meals.

And they can call it vegan if they don’t use any animal products, but that does not mean the plants cannot be cooked, marinated or soaked in MSG, severely processed and of course still raised with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and GMOs?

Even after all of that terrible contamination, they can still call it vegan!

And there’s another big problem with vegan meals and vegan snacks out there…they’re chock full of fillers, preservatives, additives, colors, artificial sweeteners and of course artificial nutrition –I guess to replace the real nutrition they just destroyed and contaminated–.

But then again, replacing real nutrition with fake nutrition is not a replacement at all, rather it makes the already nutritionally dead vegan meal, even more contaminated.

So, what’s a Vegan to do?

There’s only one thing to do –replace 2 meals every day with MealBetix! What exactly is MealBetix?

So glad you asked that, because MealBetix is the last 100% Clean Vegan Meal left in the country, and probably the world.

There are far more unhealthy Vegans out there than healthy Vegans, but this can change right here right now if you start replacing 2 meals OR 2 snacks with MealBetix.

vegan meal prepping ideasAs our world becomes more and more contaminated with endless pollution, our food has become far more harmful than helpful, and it’s exactly because of this reason MealBetix was created for everyone, from fetus to senior citizen.

And of course MealBetix is 100% plants, not some, not mostly, but truly 100% plants and what’s better than 100% plants? 100% Clean Plants!

That means there are absolutely no pesticides, no herbicides, no fungicides and no GMOs. Also, there are no preservatives, no additives, no sweeteners, especially no artificial sweeteners, no fillers and has never been cooked or processed at all!

Do you have any idea just how rare this makes MealBetix?

This makes MealBetix the rarest Vegan Meal on earth! And you found it! If you had not seen this article today, you probably would have never come across MealBetix and instead would have continued searching endlessly for anything that is Vegan and healthy enough to not make you too sick.

Well, your search is over!

We have seen Big Food and Big Pharma destroy our air, soil and water, but they have not yet touched the 15 superfoods in MealBetix, which is why we have to hurry and stock up right now, before they find it and destroy it, too.

These 15 superfoods will change how you feel and think about food for the rest of your life.

No longer will you have to worry about what to eat or drink when you’re at work, when you’re traveling, when you’re hiking, when you’re camping or when you’re outside and can’t find anything healthy to eat or drink.

Because you can take MealBetix with you wherever you go!

This is why I add a few cans of MealBetix to my emergency go-bag, bug out bags, backpacks, a can in my glove compartment and especially I stock up for my pantry and storage room, just in case.

You never know when or where you’ll get hungry, so it’s very important to think ahead, before you become desperate and settle on that fast food vegan meal that will wreak havoc on your gut and your health.

The MealBetix Lifestyle is The 100% Clean Food Lifestyle

mealbetixDr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late.

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disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration and does not treat, prevent or cure any disease. Darren Wayne is not a medical doctor and everything he says is his own opinion.

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