List Of Foods and Drinks That Injure Your Pancreas

List Of Foods and Drinks That Injure Your Pancreas

Where do I begin? I mean, there are like thousands of things you can eat and drink out there and I don’t have that much time to list them all, so instead, I will show you a guide that will save your pancreas from a lot more injury.

Anything that is cooked too much, for example, well-done meat or even microwaved meat. And of course anything fried, especially in butter or oil.

This can include not only meat, but also vegetables, fruit, spices, dairy, grains and beans. The human digestion is very fragile and can easily become distressed and the main cause of distressed bowels is cooked or fried food. But before your digestion becomes distressed, you can experience years of indigestion, acid reflux and of course nausea.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg as they say, because besides cooking and frying your food, there’s something even more serious and a lot more common that most people don’t even give a second thought about.

What is it?

Pesticides, herbidies, fungicides and GMOs. Most Diabetics do not believe there’s any difference between food raised with pesticides/GMOs and food not raised with pesticides/GMOs, so they keep eating and drinking it every day of their life.

They tell themselves that pesticide-free food (aka organic food) is just some marketing scam to raise prices, but even if that were true, which I actually believe, too, only the cost aspect of it of course, the fact remains, juicing pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and GMOs will only ever injure your pancreas at the very least. And when you cook or fry pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and GMOs, then you’re seriously asking for trouble, and probably cancer, too.

I know everything I am saying here you either completely agree with, only agree with a small part of it or none of it at all, but based on my 30 years of education, research and of course helping thousands of Diabetics live longer and live stronger after all these years, this is the same pattern I have seen thousands of times. This makes me only the messenger of observation and not the origin of truth, since a good Scientist should always only observe in the first place.

That being said, what can you eat every day then? I’m sure you’re probably asking yourself this right about now, which no one can ever blame you for asking. You should know what you can eat every day that’s not only healthy, but also healthy enough to heal or repair your injured pancreas. Well, of course it’s food, but what food? MealBetix of course from The MealBetix Lifestyle.

The MealBetix Lifestyle exists only because there are millions of Diabetics here who have little to no access to any truly clean food and the food they do eat continues to injure their pancreas daily — and drugs only add to the injury.

We live in the era of “Artificial Healthcare“.

What is “Artificial Healthcare”? It’s quite simple actually.

First, when you were conceived, your Mother probably followed her Pediatrician’s instructions, which was to take her prenatal vitamins, but prenatal vitamins are artificial chemicals they call ‘nutrition’ and of course any shots she was told to take, too, which no doubt were full of more artificial chemicals.

Once you were born, if you made it out alive of course, you were probably already sick or soon will be, but in either case, your Mother fed you artificial drugs and continued to feed you artificial drugs every time you had the sniffles, had a headache or developed allergies.

So literally since conception and all the way through childhood, you were fed artificial drugs and if your Mother or Father didn’t eat healthy themselves, then besides being drugged up often, you also damaged your organs further by eating and drinking artificial food and artificial drinks.

As an adult, if you survived childhood and made it all the way through to adulthood of course, you have learned to eat artificial food, artificial drinks and swallow artificial drugs when you don’t feel well and if you survived adulthood without dying of a heart attack or stroke by 50, then you will most likely already have failing health by the time you reach 65 or maybe 70 years old if you are one of the fortunate few.

And your family will probably force you into a nursing home so all the drug doctors there can pump your body full of even more artificial drugs just to keep you from crying out in constant pain.

If your life sounds similar to this, then you are among the billions of people alive right now who must endure their own chronic pain every day for the rest of their life, because no one will tell them to stop putting artificial chemicals into their body.

This is the real reason why I formulated MealBetix, to be the healthiest food on earth! The 15 ingredients in MealBetix have been tested and retested to make sure there isn’t a single molecule of anything impure or artificial at all. No other meal replacement on the entire internet has gone through this for their ingredients.

Want proof?

Go to Bing and search “organic diabetic meal replacement“, then you will see how many fake ‘health food’ makers sell their own contaminated version of an actual organic diabetic meal replacement – want a hint? ONE!!! Scroll down past all the ads above and you will only see ONE. That’s how lonely it is out there for anyone who actually wants to provide you real food; real food that not only replaces your expensive junk food, but also food that provides you real health that you will continue to experience for many years to come.

When you replace two meals each day with MealBetix, you only have to prepare one meal for yourself. This means your pancreas has no choice but to gradually heal. Of course you can replace 2 snacks each day with MealBetix, too. And then almost immediately your blood sugar will begin to balance and your A1C will also balance.

And the longer you continue the healthier and stronger your pancreas will become – this is truly powerful!

The MealBetix Lifestyle is The 100% Clean Food Lifestyle

mealbetixDr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late.

4 thoughts on “List Of Foods and Drinks That Injure Your Pancreas”

  1. Hi there .. my name is Trish..
    I work as a Massage Therapist in a biological dental office..
    I am wondering if you offer wholesale accounts for medical practices.
    We are looking for something organic that can speed up recovery times,
    especially for out-patients post surgically..
    Thank you 🙏

  2. … this is another very interesting and educational article you’ve published to be read- doc and it has resulted in my next question… l get the impression that you have some reservations about the consumption of butter and other oils… besides adding/enhancing flavors/textures/“eye 👀- appeal”/etc- it is my understanding that certain oils can be/are important for metabolic processes- ie certain vitamins require fats/oils- in order to be properly utilized in certain human biological functions… and I do agree with you that consumption of top quality- nutritious- unprocessed or least processed food is important to properly facilitate these bodily functions… thanks again doc!👍🏻

    1. The problem with cooking butter and most oils, is that they turn carcinogenic the second heat touches them, which is why if I must cook something in the pan or even on the skillet, I will either use plain water or organic coconut oil. And food already has all the nutrients your body needs and in the exact quantity and ratio it is supposed to be in, but when you mess with that by either growing it in contaminated soil and/or processing it until there is no nutrition left, then that’s where you develop malnutrition over time. I am sure that’s where the need for supplementation began, but what they should have done instead was search for food that was not contaminated and not processed, instead of swallowing artificial pills.

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disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration and does not treat, prevent or cure any disease. Darren Wayne is not a medical doctor and everything he says is his own opinion.

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