Glyphosate Free Food List

Glyphosate Free Food List

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide on earth, known for its effectiveness in eliminating weeds and destroying your health, so is there a Glyphosate Free Food List?

Glyphosate’s pervasive use has led to significant concerns about its impact on human health and the environment.

Thousands of studies have indicated that glyphosate can disrupt endocrine functions, which of course leads to severe health issues, such as cancer, liver disease, and reproductive problems.

No wonder so many are now infertile!

The danger of glyphosate lies not only in direct exposure but also in its ubiquitous presence in our food supply. Traces of glyphosate can be found in everything from fruits and vegetables, including organic, to all grains, dairy, meat, poultry, swine and of course in all processed ‘foods’.

The continuous ingestion of glyphosate residue will accumulate in your body over time, causing serious illness.

Given the widespread contamination, ensuring your food is glyphosate-free is crucial, but everything at your local health food store is contaminated, including the soil right outside your house.

This is where The MealBetix Lifestyle comes into play. When you continue The MealBetix Lifestyle, you can protect yourself and your whole family from the dangerous exposure to glyphosate.

The Importance of Glyphosate-Free Food

Glyphosate Free Food ListConsuming glyphosate-free food is paramount for safeguarding your health and well-being. The significance of avoiding glyphosate cannot be overstated, as this poison has been linked to numerous health issues already.

By choosing foods free from glyphosate, you greatly reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, including cancer, hormonal imbalances, and liver damage.

Moreover, glyphosate residue free food is of course cleaner and more nutritious. When crops are grown without the use of glyphosate or any synthetic petrochemical, all the food retains much more of their natural nutrients and antioxidants. This means that you not only avoid harmful poisons, but also benefit from a much more nutrient-dense diet.

Glyphosate Is Sprayed Everywhere On Earth Now

Glyphosate Free Food ListGlyphosate is not only sprayed all over the USA, but all over the world, too! Statistically, there is enough glyphosate sprayed annually to fill 1,000 lakes!

So, you will absolutely ingest glyphosate if you ever eat out, ever buy food at the grocery store and even if you grow food yourself –it’s everywhere!

And if you think just because you don’t spray glyphosate or anything that your garden is glyphosate-free, that could prove dangerous to your health, because your neighbors spray constantly, nearby farms spray constantly and of course chemtrails blanket everything outside, too!

Can You Trust Certified Organic?

Farmer spraying glyphosate on crops, contrasting healthy and withered plants.Remember how dumb smoking sections were? Well, organic food now is basically the “non-smoking section”. What was once the gold-standard for glyphosate-free food, has now become a lie told to the masses.

Just like sitting in the non-smoking section does absolutely nothing to avoid the poison from smoke, growing ‘organic crops’ next to a farm that sprays constantly, also does nothing to avoid the poison.

At best you can claim less contamination, but how is that a logical argument about avoiding poison? That’s like claiming less poison is healthier than more poison –who cares? I don’t want to eat less poison, I want to avoid all the poison.

Glyphosate-Free Food Does Not Exist Much Anymore

A realistic agricultural field with crops and a hand holding a herbicide spray bottle.Finding a reliable source of truly 100% glyphosate-free food is very rare at best, because there is so much contamination in everything and all around us!

  • Local Farmers’ Markets: This invokes the feeling of trust, responsibility and concern, but actually all farmland soil has glyphosate-residue from decades of nearby farms spraying, chemtrails and let’s not forget the fact that organic farms share the ground water with nearby spraying farms.
  • Organic Grocery Stores: Many claim to be strict about avoiding all pesticides and glyphosate, but many random ‘organic fruits and vegetables’ have been tested for glyphosate, and none passed! They also now coat all ‘organic produce’ with a petroleum-based resin to extend the shelf-life.

Glyphosate Free Food List

Glyphosate Free Food ListFinding a reliable source of truly 100% glyphosate-free food is very rare at best, because there is so much contamination in everything and all around us! But you can finally take back your food!

Just replace 2 meals and 2 snacks each day with MealBetix and Berry Delicious, and finally experience the health you have been expecting to receive from truly healthy fruits and vegetables all your life!

Experience the last 100% Glyphosate-Free meals, and even have them delivered directly to your door.

The MealBetix Lifestyle can change your health forever!


mealbetixDr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late.


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disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration and does not treat, prevent or cure any disease. Darren Wayne is not a medical doctor and everything he says is his own opinion.

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