Stay Healthy During The Holidays

Most everyone here celebrates holidays, especially Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, but unfortunately, most people do not know how to Stay Healthy During The Holidays!

Typically you diet all year and of course exercise as often as you can, but when the holidays roll around, you end up eating a lot of what you shouldn’t and drinking a lot of what you shouldn’t, which basically ruins the previous 9 months of diet and exercise.

And then you start all over again from January!

Stay Healthy During The Holidays
Stay Healthy During The Holidays

Now you might be thinking that Halloween candy isn’t that bad when you only eat it once a year, but that’s not how it works, because doing anything once a year does not make it safe, in fact, doing something once a year that’s particularly unhealthy, is enough to ruin your health progress for the whole year!

What Do Most People Think?

In the case of Halloween candy, there are hundreds of artificial chemicals, ranging from artificial dyes that disrupt your endocrine system, to the slew of artificial flavors and artificial sweeteners that damage your entire gut, damage your kidneys, damage your pancreas and much more.

The masses have the very odd belief that poisoning yourself once or twice or rarely, each year, is somehow not enough to damage your health long-term, and I know where this ingrained belief came from –big pharma, the entire medical industry and its’ lifelong propaganda!

How else can you get billions of people to believe they can swallow petroleum pills daily and not think even twice about it ever damaging their health?

Well, I am here to tell you that it takes just one artificial molecule to begin damaging every organ in your body.

stay healthy during the holidays
stay healthy during the holidays

And if you buy any of the very unhealthy turkeys that are full of vaccines, steroids and antibiotics or any of the artificial and refined desserts or basically anything from the supermarket or health food store, you can expect your health to take a serious hit this holiday season!

And all you ever hear out there from so-called health influencers is the same boring “limit this or count that” propaganda on repeat, which is just ridiculous! Who cares how many calories, how much sugar or how to limit the poison in whatever you eat or drink?

You might as well count how many calories there are in a Twinkie!

And don’t get me started on what’s in your typical Christmas dinner, because I can almost write a book about all the toxic ingredients in Christmas meals and how there’s enough toxic ingredients to destroy your heart, liver and kidneys.

Instead, let me tell you how you can prepare your health right now and Stay Healthy During The Holidays.


The holidays are already expensive and stressful enough, without worrying about your health and your family’s health, so it’s vitally important you stock up on MealBetix right now for everyone you care about and make sure to tell them that MealBetix is here to protect your health during the holidays.

What’s The MealBetix Lifestyle Meal Plan During The Holiday Season?

Definitely make sure you are replacing 2 meals every day all the way up to the first day you begin eating your first holiday meal or drinking your first holiday drink, then from that day, since you’ll be eating and drinking with your family every day, if you can’t replace meals with MealBetix or Berry Delicious like you usually do, when you’re thirsty, just drink MealBetix or Berry Delicious.

This way, you won’t actually be going out of your way to mix MealBetix or Berry Delicious, you’ll just be drinking it when you’re thirsty throughout the day.

You can do this! Your health will thank you during the holidays with better health, a healthier gut and a stronger immune system.


The Food GuruDr Darren Wayne, aka The Food Guru, is one of the last Food Scientists not on Big Food’s payroll, not on Big Pharma’s payroll and not on anyone’s payroll, which means he has no agenda, other than to tell you as much truth as possible, before it’s too late.

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disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration and does not treat, prevent or cure any disease. Darren Wayne is not a medical doctor and everything he says is his own opinion.

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